A Flexible and Sympathetic Approach to Enforcement

A Flexible and Sympathetic Approach to Enforcement

Whatever the new normal is, we seem to be heading towards it at breakneck speed.

The roads are busier, the countryside is full of litter (don’t get us started) and aside from the lines on the floor in supermarkets and local Councils painting marking on the floor where children wait to cross the road with the lollipop lady/man things are looking more familiar.

Shops, services and even schools are being asked to put strict measures in place, to ensure social distancing measures are easily followed.

Many industries are rising to the challenge of this new, sanitised age, whilst others appear to be merely paying lip service to it.

The High Court Enforcement Officer’s Association have outlined their approach, calling it ‘A Flexible and Sympathetic Approach to Enforcement’ and we feel it is the perfect path for our industry to walk along.

We’ve always been big believers in CPD, and the new plan will require new training for all agents. This will need to be completed before home visits can take place.

Social distancing will need to be observed by all involved, and at #TeamCES we have already been preparing our agents to be able to operate safely.

PPE will be procured and worn effectively by all agents, to protect both themselves and the people they come into contact with.

Before any home visits can happen, certain criteria must be met and the enforcement companies must be able to satisfy these requirements in full.

Some people may look at this resumption of enforcement with a suspicious eye, and might ask the question of how any enforcement can be flexible and sympathetic.

To them, we would say that vulnerability has always been something we make allowances for.

The factors that make a person vulnerable have been multiplied during the global pandemic, and as a result, our awareness needs to be multiplied as well.

With this in mind, the Chairman of the HCEOA, Andrew Wilson, has said that…

“Our members recognise that some judgment debtors will be experiencing significant effects as a result of the COVID-19 situation. The plan is designed to consider the case-by-case circumstances of judgment debtors and ensure they are treated fairly whilst allowing creditors to recover the money they are owed.”

We couldn’t have put it better ourselves.

Case by case.

Fair treatment.

Recovering money that is owed.

In terms of when this is all likely to resume, the HCEOA reckon that Phase 3 of the Government’s lockdown easing will be the right time.

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