Writ of Possession Residential

Residential Landlords

We have 3 simple steps to Evict bad tenants from Residential Properties.​


1. Service Of Notices
Your Tenant will need to be served either Service of Section 8 or Section 21. We will prepare and serve using one of our Agents for maximum impact, using a Section 8 or 21 Notice.

2. Court Proceedings
We find the majority of bad tenants leave after the first step. However, if this is not the case, we can arrange for court papers to be completed as part of the possession process in count. Upon the expiry of the Section 8/21 notice, the client must apply for a possession order at the County Court. It must have permission to transfer up to the High court for us to assist.

3. High Court Enforcement
Even though there is a Possession Order, some tenants will refuse to leave your property by the date set by the County Court Judge. We can escalate your Possession Order to High Court Writ of Possession. Once the writ has been received from the high Court, we will first need to prepare & process serve the N54 Notice of Eviction to the tenant, allowing them 14 days to vacate the property. Should the tenant still fail to vacate the property, we will allocate our Certificated Enforcement Agents to the address to remove the tenant from your property. The tenants will then take essential belongings lasting a minimum of 3 days, including documentation and anything else essential to their health & wellbeing.

What happens post eviction?
One the eviction has been action, the tenants are able to return to the address within 14 days, to collect their remaining possessions if still in situ. We can also allocate a Certificated Enforcement Agent to the address to supervise the removal of belongings, should our client request this.

Get in touch

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