At Court Enforcement Specialists, we understand the current uncertainty facing tenants and landlords due to recent developments.
The U-turn in the ban on Section 21 evictions has left both parties unsure of their rights and obligations, which adds to the already challenging circumstances brought about by the Cost of Living Crisis.
Tenants are understandably anxious about their housing situation, especially in cases where they are struggling to make ends meet.
There are reports of families who say they are living in a state of "fear and uncertainty" as they attempt to find somewhere that will allow them to move in, as we head towards Christmas.
We empathise with the stress and worry that this level of uncertainty can cause, and we are committed to handling all situations we are instructed on with care and understanding.
After all, a Section 21 Eviction is also called a ‘no fault’ eviction, and so it is unfair for tenants to feel as though they have done anything wrong.
Section 21 Evictions allow landlords to evict tenants without giving them a reason, and from this point, tenants have just two months before their landlord can apply for a court order to evict them.
At the same time however, landlords are also facing uncertainty about what steps they can take to address non-payment of rent and other tenancy-related issues.
We recognise the concerns and challenges that landlords are tackling too, particularly as they move through the changing landscape of tenancy rules and regulations.
In this period of ambiguity and uncertainty, we want tenants and landlords to know that we are here to support and guide them through the challenges ahead.
Our role has always been about more than simply enforcing court orders, and we are dedicated to helping both sides reach amicable terms and achieve open lines of communication.
For us, this is about offering practical advice and finding solutions that are beneficial (or at least workable) for both parties.
For tenants who are struggling, we are committed to pointing them to the appropriate channels of support. We know from experience that the circumstances leading to the inability to pay rent can be complex, and we are here to listen and work with tenants to find a way forward.
Similarly, for landlords who are facing financial strain due to non-payment of rent and their own Cost of Living related difficulties, we are ready to discuss practical solutions and provide full clarity and assistance on the legal avenues available to them.
The Chief Executive of the National Residential Landlords Association, Ben Beadle, believes that current market conditions are forcing landlords to make difficult decisions, as their assets no longer provide a sustainable profit.
It’s a complex situation.
We help landlords navigate these complexities, ensuring that they stay well informed about their rights, as this is the only way they are able to make well informed decisions and take appropriate action.
Our approach has always been about a commitment to fairness and empathy, recognising the human impact of these challenging circumstances.
We aim to build supportive environments for both tenants and landlords, facilitating constructive dialogue and helping them to find mutually beneficial resolutions wherever possible.
Our focus is on working collaboratively with all parties involved to navigate the challenges posed by the current circumstances, and to seek solutions that respect the rights and needs of both tenants and landlords.
We bring a supportive and empathetic approach to enforcement proceedings, promoting transparency, communication and fairness throughout the whole process.
Whilst all this uncertainty continues, current Housing Secretary, Michael Gove, is unwilling to put a timescale on when it will all be worked out.
Court Enforcement Specialists will be ready, whenever that may be.