Times of crisis can reveal so much. They reveal so much about individuals and even more about societies as a whole…
With regards to what is happening in the world at the minute, to say that the current coronavirus pandemic has been revealing about sections of society, would be a huge understatement.
Despite numerous warnings to ‘stay home and stay safe’, large portions of the Great British public seem determined to try and carry on as normal. Worse still, another large chunk of society seem hell bent on turning this into one great big Bank Holiday weekend, with record visitors at Snowdonia over the last few days, and regions virtually closing their doors to all outsiders.
We’ve seen packed commuter trains, overcrowded public parks, and a clamor for children to still be allowed in school, whether or not there is someone to look after them.
We live in a land of liberty and freedom, but now is the time for collective responsibility.
Love him or loathe him, Piers Morgan ranted…
“You are being asked to stay home and watch tele, not go to war like generations before you…”
He’s got a point, and it’s about time people started taking note.
‘Health before wealth’ is a useful message here, and not just our own health either. This crisis has shown just how interconnected we all are as a population, as a planet, and the health of one is the collective responsibility of the many.
Personal decisions affect local conditions, and local behaviour affects national outcomes.
Some personal decisions that are currently having a light shone upon them include the decisions of landlords who are being granted so called ‘mortgage holidays.’
One horror story came to the public awareness over the last few days, which saw a landlady forcibly (and illegally for that matter) try to evict her tenant from the property, on the grounds that he could be leaving droplets of the virus throughout the rooms and on the furniture. Her reasoning for this was that he was an NHS worker, and as such would have a higher exposure to the virus.
Just let that sink in for a minute…
An NHS worker, currently on the frontline of this unprecedented pandemic, saving lives and risking his own health, was evicted from his home with less than 24 hours notice.
Because he might have the virus.
By text message.
It doesn’t bear thinking about that this will not be an isolated incident.
Martin Lewis, of Money Saving Expert, had advice for landlords and renters alike, when he spoke on 5Live National Radio early this week.
He said it was “absolutely morally right” that the benefit of a mortgage holiday be passed on to the renter, wherever that was applicable or necessary.
To finish on a positive, we also saw a tweet over the last few days where a landlord claimed to have already contacted their tenant, just to let them know that they were prepared to suspend rent payments for a period of three months, whilst the crisis peaks.
Not everyone will be in the position to do this of course, but even a call or a text message from landlord to tenant can make such a difference when every single one of us is living with so much uncertainty.
It really is true that times of crisis bring out the very best and the very worst in people.
We aim to be the very best that we can be, now more than ever, for our clients and for the vulnerable.
We are here to help and we hope that you are too.
TeamCES wish you and yours all the best, at this especially difficult time.
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