Landlords are currently facing a lot of pressure right now. But why?
Well... there will be a proposed legislation to be voted on in Spring which includes the disbandment of Section 21 no fault evictions, creating a register of landlords, introducing a private rented ombudsman to help enforce renters' rights, making it illegal for landlords and agents to refuse to rent properties to people who receive benefits and give local authorities more power to enforce and protect renters' rights.
But how do landlords feel about these plans?
Well the majority of landlords are strongly concerned which is understandable, however a minority of landlords say they are optimistic about the possible changes to the private rental sector.
These proposed changes obviously caused concern for landlords as they will no longer be able to evict tenants without good reason. Meaning tenants would have increased notice periods for rent increases which gives tenants stronger powers to challenge landlords if they believe their actions are unjustified.
There will soon be an expectation in the UK of a more secure living environment for those who rent and an increased level of protection from practices that seem unfair.
Here at #TeamCES we understand the concern landlords now have and we do sympathise with their concerns as this can make removing tenants who cause problems a difficult task for them.
However, Court Enforcement Specialists will always be here to give a helping hand when needed.
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